

Beyond Music Vol.2 SAME PLANET

Beyond Music Vol.2 "Same Planet" is the second album of our high-end online platform. On the 16 songs, 60 artists from 26 countries have collaborated on the theme "Songs for the Planet" during the virus pandemic across all isolations. It is a hymn to our precious planet Earth.

An anthem to our precious planet Earth

The 60 artists from 26 countries represented on the album have collaborated across all difficulties and their isolations during the 2020 virus pandemic. Their 16 songs on the theme of "Songs for the Planet" are as diverse as the artists on our platform: they are about climate change, the extinction of endangered animals and plants, the protection of our children and women, the call for reconciliation of our planet Earth with its inhabitants, the concern about our future and a new awareness to interact with each other in this world. We named the album "Same Planet" because we are all connected and a solution to the problems can only be found if we all take responsibility together.

Beyond Music Vol.2 SAME PLANET, album cover

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